Data collected through digital surveying platforms in the humanitarian sector is vulnerable to manipulation, does not incentivize participation, and is insecure. This is a major problem as humanitarian projects rely heavily on survey data to design, guide the implementation, and more importantly serve as a critical tool to measure impact of projects.
Data added into these platforms can always be edited and deleted.
Survey participants, often those who are in real need of humanitarian support, are not rewarded for their valuable insights and time, thus reducing the likelihood for participation.
Another major challenge in legacy data collection tools surrounds privacy and security of users' data and input, leaving users skeptical of providing honest answers as it might expose them to potential harm.
The MENA Desk aims to solve these problems through a blockchain-based survey application in which data is stored on an immutable, permissioned and private ledger, where participation is incentivized with crypto currency, and user data is secured.
Survey answers will be stored on a shared ledger where there’s always a record of inputted data. Thus, survey requesters will always have assurance that the data points were not tampered with.
Users signed up to the platform can receive rewards for answering surveys. Users will have the option to choose between various rewards such as crypto or mobile phone credit.
Users are not required to provide sensitive information about their identity, they only need to provide general demographic information.
The combination of immutable data, reward system, and high level of user privacy, represent a powerful approach to ensure humanitarian and development sectors deliver impactful interventions based on trusted beneficiary feedback.
Utilizing the latest data collection technology to provide trusted & un-manipulated data from across the MENA region